It is practically just like a toll free number except it generally does not start with. When someone calls it from the long-distance place, they will be assessed long-distance charges. But it's just like a toll free number in the feeling that it's not necessarily tied to a particular location. Sure, it's tied to a particular PHONE , but not to a location. voip phone number
I'd like to see if I can clarify this more with some examples. Say you reside in Dallas, so your VoIP phone features a regional number like. Nothing strange or unusual about this, correct However now let's say you've parents in Tampa and your wife's sister in Denver, both of whom contact you often but don't like spending the long-distance charges. Therefore you get a VIRTUAL NUMBER for your home VoIP phone , one in Tampa and another one in Denver.
What's happened You are home in Dallas and will make and receive calls all day long long when some body calls your standard Dallas number. Your parents in Tampa may contact a LOCAL Tampa phone number and your VoIP phone in Dallas may ring! Your wife's sister may contact a LOCAL number in Denver and your VoIP phone in Dallas may ring.
Would you see the beauty of the? For one smooth payment for having the virtual number , you can receive calls from wherever your virtual numbers have reached, and the owner doesn't have to cover the long-distance charges as it is a LOCAL call for them.
Yet another use for that is if you reside in say Des Moines. Now Des Moines is a superb place to call home, but it's perhaps not precisely the economic capital of the world. You have a business and you'll need a NEW YORK phone number. You'll have your VoIP phone in Des Moines, but you can also have a VoIP Electronic Number in New York therefore that if customers are contacting you, it looks to them as if they're contacting New York, which IS considered an important economic center.
The price for an electronic number is really low compared as to the your callers would purchase a long-distance charge. (And depending on how usually they contact you, of course!) For instance with Packet8, an electronic number in the US is a smooth payment of $4.99 per month, and you can also get an electronic number in the, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, or Denmark for only $9.99 per month. With SunRocket, you get your own regional number and your first virtual number in the US comes with the package at number extra charge.